This one is an otaku special! Moe Mechs collide in massive battles! Cosmic break's open beta is here! Ofcouse, being the massive anime freak that I am, I jumped into the open beta guns blazing, and before I go back to play for a couple more hours, I'm here to give you the ABC's of the game!
The story in Cosmic break is simple, and, though it doesn't matter, it exist, and it gives a very nice purpose (excuse) to fight! There are three Unions which rival each other. The nation of fighters who believe courage and friendliness win in battle, Bladine. The nation of those who choose strength and honor, Dostrex, and the nation of those who trust in wisdom, Wizard. With each of the Unions is a God that is starting to fade away. To bring it back, they must gain the favor of the Cosmos, and the only way to do that is to defeat other nations in battle. Against all of the nations is the great evil force in the game who's only purpose is to make sure none of the deities are revived; the unions all work together at defeating this common foe, but are rivals outside of that field.
The story is a nice band for all of the games modes; explained below.
UNION WAR: As the game starts, one of the first things you'll do is choose a Union. Your Unions members will fight along side you in Union War.These epic battles can range from 5 on 5 to 30 on 30 and are the prime PVP experience in the game. Duking it out with other players from your rival Unions, and gaining experience and money as your rewards.
just going to say it's an online it's in the 2nd open's in english too(I think)...
come and visit the site for client download and registration.. :3
I've known about this for a while now, and I'm interested in playing it(I really like mecha musume). I have yet to see if I can get it to run in CrossOver Game. I'll post again if I can get to run.
Using the same username. Currently is playing Cosmic Commander till they opened the server for the game again.
Have been playing since the beta started. What's awesome about this game is the customization of your units. You can change the parts of your robots and if you are creative enough you can even polygon edit your units. I have seen Servbots and Dr.Eggman running around the game.
Here's some of my game screenshot when I played the game in the last Beta.
To anyone interested in playing this game. Have you downloaded the game client? You can play the single player game now. I recommend it if you are new to the game, it will helps you to get a feel on how the game is like and makes it easier to play when the Beta starts.
Also there are free robot giveaways. You can get the giveaway keys from this link
Maril March Trill
Since its not shown on the site. This is how she looks like. Minus that gun on her left hand.
Just wanted to mention that you can only use one code only for the free bots. If you input the Gold Katana Bot you can't get the other one. So choose wisely which bot that you want to use...
I was interested in trying this game. It looks appealing to me, and a friend of mine is just obsessed with this. DL'ing now, I'll have the same username on there. Looking forward into trying it.
Lol, good thing I haven't used the Gold KAtana one since it's still on maintenance for final Beta..
Tried the Single, Hard was hard, and both AI players was not as smart as me... lol
Hmmm, should I get the Laz Flame.. since I pretty much liked that one out of the three female smaples.
Any suggestions?
Actually Crimrose and Lilyrain are more popular compared to Laz. Lily have 2 very useful core weapons and Crimrose while being the weakest Air unit can be upgraded into Seraph Crimrose which is a pretty powerful Air unit.
If you're going for the free female bots I suggest Maril March Trill if you have the code. From my experience playing the game you will get Laz Flamme from doing Beginners Quest when you start the game the Laz Flamme is just the same except for hair colour. I need to check it to confirm if the reward are still the same in this beta.
I did a check with the free Maril March, seems like she have pink hair and gray body color other than that she looks the same as the pic in my last post.
Few more hours left before Beta start. Here's another Cosmic Break video while waiting for the server to open.
cosmic break has started today. why dont we play together?
I plan to start up after the holidays. Life's gonna get really busy the next few weeks so I'm holding off. I'll be happy to play with you guy after that thogh.
In other news: Did you know your opening post vanished?
cosmic break has started today. why dont we play together?
I plan to start up after the holidays. Life's gonna get really busy the next few weeks so I'm holding off. I'll be happy to play with you guy after that thogh.
In other news: Did you know your opening post vanished?
i dunno. i really have no idea why it vanished. should i make a new thread for it?