Mr.Shaggnificent wrote...
How does it compare to the other super hero MMOs? i heard one is going F2P soon.
Well, besides the whole recognizable NPC's/Voices, combat is pretty different. Right and left mouse buttons are your melee attacks. Combo's depend how long you hold them and in what order you push them. Have to unlock the combo's first though.
Skills are equipped 1-6, 7 is consumables, and I'm not sure what 8 is for yet. Skills cost a bunch of energy, so melee a lot.
Your mouse is linked to the camera. Movement keys are standard wsad. E is the action key. F is your movement ability.
Targeting is the tab button. Shift is the block and break out of a crowd control spell button. Space is jump.
Your costume is dependent on your equipment. Once you unlock a piece of equipment, you can use that skin instead of whatever you have on at the moment.
So far boss battles have all been instanced, but everything else has been open world.
I'm liking it just for the gameplay and recognizable characters. Not sure about the story yet though. So far it's just been stop these bad guys to get ready for brainiac or Joker telling you to blow shit up and push people off ledges.
Champions Online is the one going F2P. Champions has a better character creation system. Has standard mmo gamelay. Not sure about the whole story, I skipped most of the scenes and didn't read the dialogue.