7stars wrote...
FappingFury wrote...
Wonder what the plot will be about since the first could have wrapped up extremely well.
whaa? no it didn't, left it wide open for sequels.
in DS2 Issac wakes up on a space station and you actually witness it get overrun by necromorphs rather then just showing up after eveyrone's already dead like in the first game.
Not everyone. At the beginning the station is thriving (with life, not necromorphs.) And as it progresses, it just gets more and more desolate, until it's Dead Space 1 all over again. I heard you eventually start leading a group of survivors through the shit.
Of course, it
is Dead Space so I'm sure by the end you're the
only one alive.
What I'm still wondering is how Isaac survived that little run-in in the ending cutscene.... (people who've seen the end know what I mean.)