The Randomness wrote...
shinji_ikari wrote...
This game terrifies me...I want so bad for it to be good...but if been burned way to hard in the past by superhero games...Superman 64,Green Lantern,Aquaman,Batman Forever, and last but not least painful...THOOOOOOOORRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!
You can tell how a game is going to be JUST by the company behind it, if it's known, it's got a chance. If it's unknown, it's still a gamble. However, Platinum Games got Metal Gear Rising on short notice and did a hell of a job for a short time-frame.
Platinum games has a history for developing pretty fun, over the top action games. Just look at Bayonetta, Vanquish, and Anarchy Reigns for reference. For a hack and slash game like Revengence, it seemed that Platinum wouldn't have too much trouble. I have the same feeling with High Moon Studios and the Deadpool game. The "Cybertron" Transformers games from High Moon were awesome, so High Moon has established themselves as capable developers in my mind. I'm certain that if they aren't rushed and work closely enough with Marvel, then the Deadpool game should turn out great. Though, that's just me being optimistic. That whole Gearbox/Aliens: Colonial Marines debacle has left me cautious with recent game purchases.