Sanada-Kun wrote...
--DVSN. I think LGD was trying to figure HOW to defeat Admiral's LD. Like in the game 1, LGD picked Bane to counter LD's spirit bear. But it's not working so well. LGD had a hard time figuring how [A] works. This event gives a big ultimatum for Chinese Dota (specially iG), they need to change if they want to win the TI3.
Regarding PL, any of you saw LGD - Orange game 2?
LGD just let him free farm (He got Diffusal2 + Heart) yet still managed to win with 10++ kill margin. xiao8's Kunkka is beast.
To be fair Luna was also 6 slotted and PL wasn't. Also shadow demon having an army of PL's himself.
edit: that's about as close to an all wins page I think I'll ever get lol.