Sengir wrote...
I found the fix,, you're not suppused to control everything from the game, but the sound console.. it's really weird
Volume control(General it's for music)
Wave it's for voices.
synthesizer sw it's for music too
I just had to set synthetiser and volume control to the minium and wave to a highter volume
you can tell it's obviously a very old game, lol
thanks for the rep in advance
thanks for the idea, though i approached the problem a little differently as
I couldn't find what you were talking about. I first went into the bgm folder so
i could identify which one was playing ingame atm then turned off the bgm ingame.
then check which music files were the ones that was playing in the bgm before
you turned it off. Then you could control the music volume directly in the
media player. Every now and then you could check if the bgm changed or not :)