Bentoss wrote...
eternalslumber1234 wrote...
Played a game today used Nerubian Assassin trying to test out his new mana burn....IT SUCKS!!!! =/
still i did pretty good in this game
i took a screenshot at the end of the game:
Your Centaur farmed so much and your opponents team are full of carries and brittle heroes. Their tank fed too.
Your team, 3 stuns, 2 slows + 1 disable + plenty of nukes. Good team combo. However your opponents, not so much, must be a pub game.
God I hate it so much when people just pick carries just to get kills to brag and not pick team playing heroes.
Also hate it when people bitch at your for stealing their kill when their ass is getting owned.
In Dota and in HoN
yup PUB, but i only 2 people on my team knew one another the other team are new players i think, i've never seen their names before except for DOGlike.
btw about the sven, one point in the game me and centaur killed him on top, and while i was going to base to heal, i came across a regen rune XD came back and saw him at the top again after respawn, me and magnataur killed him again rofl that was a fun XD.
EDIT:Actually the centaur was able to farm through neuts most of the game. I also let him farm at the bottom with me while i neut pulled. Out opponents were sniper and enchantress, then it switch to sniper and troll either way i got 1 kill against enchantress and 1 kill against sniper before hitting lvl 7. Not bragging but this was really a fun game to play :P
Naoto Shirogane wrote...
The new mana burn is really anti-int. The more int the enemy has the more damage... so it has its own charm.
unfortunately, most heroes will not get int items which makes my mana burn damage around 200 damage at late for int heroes, i haven't fought one that has good +int items yet so we'll see
Seriously i never leveled mana burn after lvl 2