eternalslumber1234 wrote...
Bane:Sleep,Hold, Euls and guinsoo
Rhasta:Hex, Shackle, Euls and guinsoo
pretty much the same lets not forget rhasta also has wards :P
but in terms of disable they're pretty much similar
Your forgetting enfeeble... -180% of your dmg is not to be taken lightly... casted right it can remove the effectiveness of certain hitters(mortred, yurnero, sven, any hero who relies on dmg)
xxxholic18 wrote...
eternalslumber1234 wrote...
xxxholic18 wrote...
Symeria wrote...
Unfortunately for rastha there's a guy called bane elemental who is the "king of gayness" the only hero in Dota who can disable one team on his own provided he has euls and ginsoo...
so when it comes to disables i think we know who reigns...
That's why he's called 'BANE'
any one knows how to use warlock? his ulti sucks.
whoa whoa wait what? his ulti sucks? >_> stuns units an area +damage and summons an infernal which hits very painfully. This is not a sucky skill
use a diffusal, infernal=end.
that's why most warlocks have refresher... 2 golems summmoned seperately and correctly = death