Guilty Guardian wrote...
HokutoCorpse wrote...
Kind of Important wrote...
Or just don't get the DLC as I intend to. I'm fine with the game the way it is.
Or get a ps3 and game share
no idea what that is
Ok this is how you game share on the ps3. this is by steps btw.
1. Create another profile on your ps3.
2. Get a friend who also has a ps3 and has downloaded stuff you want. For us the maps. Get his acc info. email for his psn and his password.
3. on that acc when it ask you to make a new psn or use an old one pick an old one and use your friends acc info.
4. Sign in as him and go to his account then download list. It will show all the stuff you can download, including the map pack. Download it and boom. You now have the maps and can use them. Also. DO NOT DELETE THE ACC YOU CREATED. If you do everything you downloaded will go away.
And thats how you do it. It works since i got ff 8 and a bunch of other stuff.