I want proof that the Wii U and the 3DS are in it for the long haul. Good titles, intuitive and interesting applications for their hardware capabilities. The Wii U doesn't need great graphics just like the DS and 3DS haven't. It will be too expensive and completely pointless to make the PS4/720 4k-capable consoles when they launch.
The Wii U is as sensible as it is ridiculous, and I want to know a fuck tonne more about it. The 3DS has a great platform to build on having fended off the Vita (though Sony will try to kick up a fuss,
this kind of story reflects their prognosis, and maybe a shift in the marketing focus). We now need a Smash Bros. launch date, and those things will sell like fucking hotcakes. Zelda for 3DS? I doubt it. But a Majora's Mask reboot for download may be on the cards, to tie in with online system improvements.
Building from this, a new Nintendo IP. It's been bloody ages, and it would set them in truly excellent stead for the Wii U launch. I'm not sure that I expect it, because it would essentially be overkill, but a solid new idea for a launch game to compliment the inevitable Metroid reboot and party shovelware would be wise to get the hardcore fans slightly interested. They must know that this one is battling up an even greater hill than the Wii in that regard.
Lots of Dishonored gameplay. That and Bioshock. They're the only two titles that have me really excited for the next half year or so, which is worrying. So some big announcements out of left field would also not go amiss. I might buy Halo 4, but does anyone really care about the gameplay? It won't be any different, surely. It's just an extension of an interesting story. That's its main selling point right now.
GTA V is very unlikely to turn up, but any evidence that they've finally evolved beyond the basic engine, with its terrible movement, collisions and targeting system would be welcome. Borderlands 2 teasers will be flashy but nothing we don't already know or expect. Anything Crytek show off should be worth watching.
Valve to come out of fucking nowhere, promote the shit of of the Steam Box and announce HL3, saving us all.