dragonsheart967 wrote...
Rbz wrote...
dragonsheart967 wrote...
or we're all fucked.
Unless you're someone like me who doesn't pay a cent to EA.
John Spaghettio can get fucked, and I don't have enough popcorn for this glorious disaster movie. The simcity incident should make it clear even to casuals that EA is a cunt. I'd hate to use /v/ speak on fakku, but:
>Still giving EA money
Last thing I bought that was EA was BF3, and that was just because everyone was getting praise, and I still found the game shitty in some of the map designs, but still enjoyable, when you don't deal with a bunch of bullshit.
But yeah, I'm not gonna get anything that's EA at this point. For fucks sake, people are already telling people to save up for BF4 over getting a used BF3. There isn't even a trailer for it and people are already eating it up.
That, and BF4's gonna have microtransactions, so that's just calling for a shitstorm to happen.
Wait, wait, wait, let me get this straight. Not only do you have to fork over $60+ for the game and even more for all the DLC, it now also includes a fucking item mall?
Too far, way too far, either use the F2P model properly and allow us to optionally pay through micro-transactions or give us a game with a set price & DLC. It's one or the other, not fucking both.
If this is the case I will never buy an EA product again, which sucks because I've been playing the Battlefield series since 1942 was released and I truly do enjoy DICE's work. Their animations, gameplay and visuals have always been some of the best at the time whenever they release a new iteration of Battlefield, the series has always topped my charts for FPS games. Yeah the storyline and writing isn't legendary, but there wasn't even an actual campaign in the first few iterations of the game, just singe-player skirmishes with lots of A.I. so I don't care for it much anyway.
But that just strikes me deep, micro-transactions, DLC & I have to pay $60+ for the fucking game?! Not only that, but I have to deal with the incredible piece of bug-infested retardation that is Origin. Fuck off EA, you're getting my Steaming Pile of
Golden Shit award until the day I die.
Edit: @Rbz, the only point I disagree with is that $60 is a pretty logical price for a game, in fact it ends up being less than I payed for 1942 when it came out because of the increase in inflation over the years.