Mr.Shaggnificent wrote...
I went with custom class over the pre-made ones. none of them fit my style. but then i kind of aproached the whole character set up from a different angle.
I never went with pre-made ones either, but all my characters ended up being pretty much the same, no matter my starting skills. The only thing that differ is whether you use light or heavy armor, and what magic schools you focus on, cuz they are the only skills that is a pain to level up. All other skills level up all the time without you even trying very hard. Oh, and I'm talkin about Oblivion here, Morrowind was a bit different.
Mr.Shaggnificent wrote...
Security grind- Fenrik's Door Jam(another spell i missed in Oblivion), an uninhabbited house with several containers in one spot, and a butt load of lock picks.
Like if you even had to grind with the security system in Oblivion -_- Even at novice, picking a very hard lock is easy when you get the hang of it, and when you get to level 5 you just grab the skeleton key from the Nocturne deadric quest and no lock will ever bother you again.