What are some epic openings or intros in video games?
The music has to be good, of course.
Here's my choice:
The soundtrack of this game is GODLY.
The first sequence shows the characters, their beast names and a couple of their moves, it plays a fitting music too, then it SUCKED at 0:51... Some bad voice acting but it got better at 1:12, that catchy guitar beat swooped in and some of the moves timed with the music like at 1:22 and 1:26 and the flashy scenes in 1:28 fitted the music.
My personal favorite has gotta be Ar Tonelico Qoga's OP. While not too special in terms of visuals the song was what made it become an instant favorite, especially after I saw the translation for the lyrics once I finished the game.
Out of the whole series I love this intro the most. The music gives me a serious surge of energy every time I hear it.
Yakuza 4
This game never came to America, but it left one hell of an opening with it's awesome theme song, beautiful animations, and one of the biggest crossover cast between two companies.
My favorite is DEFINETLY Corpse Party. I love Kingdom Hearts and FFX and all, but yeah. I hope XSEED releases Book of Shadows overseas. I also hope the anime is going to be as epic as the game was.