alpha_5 wrote...
UnknownX wrote...
Oh yeah, I missed those definitely. hahaha
what does the append discs add?
The patch fix some errors related to cards.
AP 2 : add some cards.
AP 3 : add some cards ,2 short stories ,new arena battles ,1 new EX-map.
Thanks! I will probably re-install the game and play it again later. XD
I tried quoting your message, but I don't know how to it... for some reason, I failed? -__- I don't even know how to do that spoiler box...
Grinding for exp? um, you probably want to do it in later playthroughs. You will have to repeat the game a lot of times to complete all the routes anyway. Some characters also join late at the game or only join at specific route. When they join you, their level is at their set level (ex:Lvl 5). so it's pointless to do some grinding.
If you almost never run away from any enemy, one playthrough will likely give you close to 9 level. So with so many heroines, well, without training, you are almost set at maximum anyway (if you do all their routes)