Sengir wrote...
I set 2 clerks and i still can't seem to sell anything in the store... how do i sell stuff? i want to go to chapter 2 lol..
btw in the mines I can't completly beat 2 stages... in one when i finally kill all a grim reaper appears and in other a big rock gets in my way, MEH
it's normal not to sell anything until at least chapter 4.
and in the mines, the grim reaper appearance is random, i think... and by big rock, did you mean the underground terrain? if so, you'll need the skill [burrow] to go through it. aht already have this skill when she joined you, in chapter 1 or 2? i forgot.
btwm about those mines, there are some monster that will appear when you spend a long time in there (about 20 turns). at your level, those monster will crush you like a bug.