More like evolution of personal data mining, lol.
Hmm, I think most gaming will go the way of making PCs. The Playstation and Xbox brands seem to be heading in that direction thanks to multiplatform releases. More and more I see less of a reason to get them and more of a reason just to invest in a gaming PC. No online fees, crazy steam sales, PC exclusive games that are very unique, ect ect.
My main exception will be Nintendo systems because of their exclusives, it has nothing to do with power in this case and everything to due with exclusive games. As a fan of a lot of Nintendo games and a hardcore Smash Bros melee and Pokemon player I always look forward to what they come out with. There are also a bunch of other series which are a good time. Zelda, Mario Kart, Pikmin, Paper Mario, Mario and Luigi, Fire Emblem, Animal crossing, anything made by Monolith Soft. All of which are exclusives.
I'm not too big on the occulus rift. While gamers accept it, the general public probably is going to think you look weird wearing that thing on your head. In addition to that, I personally would probably get motion sick since I'm prone to that. Losing my lunch is not a way to have fun. And in my opinion VR has it's own niche in first person view games. It works for them but it translates very badly for third person and other non-first person view games. And for certain games it just is pure sillyness. Think puzzle games, what does VR add to it that isn't already there?
thank god. We'll most probably get to play a SAO in our lifetime. VR's being developed. There are already brainwave-controlled objects. If they can mix the two together...