TurnTableFM wrote...
Did 3 single rolls, got the girl with racoon tail and then Heracles and Heavens Feel.
Nice Heracles and Heavens Feel pull.
If you have Limited/Over Zero try running it on Heracles, Increases performance of unit’s Buster cards by 25%, and gives him more ATK. It's 500 starting and like 2k at max, I have it on Tamamo with it sitting at level 15 and it's giving her +711 ATK right now. If she pulls any Buster card they die.
I think Heavens Feel is better for someone like Arthur.
Tsujoi wrote...
Another 10 pull
Imaginary Around is a good card, something I think I need for Assassin.
Also, tfw you pull 5 Green Black Keys on a 10 roll, rip