Moses wrote...
nightclock wrote...
Moses wrote...
Oh go fuck yourself square....I mean really.
but whyyyyyyy? why will this not be awesome? I want to tear shit up as squall or tidus, isn't that awesome?
People like you are the reason this shit is happening, How do you sleep at night? -_-
lol, I don't. I work all night XD technicalities aside though, FF7 was the first rpg I played back in the day when I was in middle school, it was amazing, especially for its time. Since then, I've loved the games and characters. It was a technical wonder (at the time of course). I support it because I have for years, I could basically retell the entire game for you, I play it at least once every year and FF7: advent children is an all time favorite for me.
Pointless explanation, sure. But that still doesn't explain why you -don't- like it. All you said was you didn't, and people like me...I think I'm a nice guy...