Multipayer games are fun.
From Xbox Live Gamertags to World of Warcraft character names. Any ID related to a game can be posted in here for other people to see and add.
If at any time you regret posting your ID's and its too late, gimmi a PM and I'll get rid of it for you. Now, lets get the ball rolling.
EDIT: Master list of Gamer ID's - Props go to FinalBoss
Username | Gamer ID
Konacha37 | Konacha37
Superior | fakePhantasm
Esura | Esura
Mike | bike_tough
Akaoni21 | Akaoni21
Black*star16 | DemonDayz_123
Serasade | SipuraEin
Infinitely Tempted | Uncut_Alias
scalhoun | Shawnclhn
rickdarkheart | Rick_Darkheart
ZeroDarkBlaze | benjamin280993
virtuemaster | axelXchains
HokutoCorpse | Izzy251
Foxkid95 | StormKing432
Mr.TifaLockhart | TiTyRon
Ranger173 | DRpwn92
Maeve | Feiy216
Gism88 | MorinKAshi
Khorinthian | Khorinthian
Chio | YamiChio
cruz737 | ecruz737, cruz737
12Dragons | December1988
FinalBoss | FinalB
lpapii92 | Mist-King
scarhcqc | Scarhcqc
InsomniacAnimeGamer | bigdaddyharper
God91125 | God91125
jun-014 | xX_-Jun-_Xx
DeviHyuga | lil_LOLI_lover
ZeroOBK | ZeroOBK
Koinz | Bonshu
Flightkeeperrin2.0 | Leif_Holtrio
xDoN904 | PsychoDon904
Satsugai | mysteakhouse
Aai | NekoSairik
Mr. Nohara | CS PeacheZ
SaltyDays | HockeyDude001
kurenai123 | karoshikurenai
TwilightEngel | Anjiradono
mochure | mochure
TriniDarkSlayer | TriniDarkSlayer
BlinkXPoke | blkdinanm3
Liquid_Malice | Liquid_Malice
mochure | mochure
animefreak_usa | FreakyGuro
pendragon9123 | pendragon9123
Malik_USMC | Loli Con Priest
fenix216 | Fynex216
GhostInTheMachine | KingRaptor141
PhatMan3579 | PhatMan3579
DarthKadius | Darth Kadius
grimmwolf | gr1mmw01f
ARKAlpha | ARK Alpha
lpapii92 | Surviving Mars
Hajin Busujima | iGunz Pr0DiGY (that's the number zero, not the letter O)
Infinitely Tempted | Uncut Alias
Myou | BanzaiMyou
HokutoCorpse | HokutoCorpse
Chcrusader | Chcrusader
ninjadarkwave | endlessdarkwave
iMuse | iMuse iBliss
Ninja4Hire | Ninja4Hire1
12Dragons | Juuni88
scarhcqc | GT BigKillMachine
Redlig | IGilderI
lpapii92 | Surviving Mars
DJsupreme | deejay194
MissTayee | MissTayee
Standardcorpse | Standardcorpse
Donjin | Sarugekido
Renewed | Renewed Ph33r
Flightkeeperrin2.0 | Darkman 800
xDoN904 | II PsYcHoDoN II
ddotduffy | DDotDuffy
GamingNerd | No1V1CT1M
VGCentral1 | Sonicrulez22
Shawn2005x | Shawnw420
Sneakyone | Sneakyone75
Aai | Toru Adachi
Mr. Nohara | oP 3 A C H E Zo
SaltyDays | HockeyDude001
VotableDrWhat | VotableDrWhat
Dragonman054 | Headronic
kurenai123 | Ruiji021486
Hajin Busujima | iGunz Pr0DiGY
Maeve | Feiy216
Kiplerr | Kiplerr
mochure | mochure
KeizukeStarraku | Friend Code: 4416 9512 5943 6438
ZeroDarkBlaze | Friend Code: 4081-5523-3461
lpapii92 | 0645-5883-2992
DJsupreme | Friend Code: 4983-4932-5844
smashspite | Friend Code: 2019-9779-5069
pendragon9123 | pendragon9123
fenix216 | Fynex216
weelchai | Mike
ZeroDarkBlaze | ZeroDarkBlaze
XinLoiBby | XxDNxCTxX
KeizukeStarraku | keirostarr
IvIajoi2n | iviajoi2n
scarhcqc | Scarhcqc
Flightkeeperrin2.0 | flightkeeperluke
Schroude | Schroude
KireruX | kirerux
Aai | Toru45
Mr. Nohara | anarchythejap
Sweetfire13 | Sweetfire13
Dragonman054 | Headron
kurenai123 | karoshikurenai
HokutoCorpse |
twistedknightmare | Black Dragonflight
Dragonman054 | Beefwhistle (Server: Cenarion circle; Horde)
Myou | Myouu
YoungxG | IDidIt
XinLoiBby | XinLoiFvr
Renewed | RenewedApathy
Schroude | Schroude
ZombieQueen | ZombieKitten21
Badguy | BloodRedSea
mochure | mochure
Final Fantasy 11
12Dragons | Bahamut
scarhcqc | Scarhcqc
Myou | Myou
Fruid | Laughing 535
Myou | Shouhei
Monster Hunter Tri
winter55 | 3A9FM2
KireruX | k1reX