yummines wrote...
I would say the problem Nintendo is in is that it revels in so much nostalgia that fans get pissed off when they try to do something different.
Lots of Zelda fans hated Wind Waker because of its cartoony graphics clashing with the darker and more serious nature of Ocarina and Majora. Then there's the infamous Pokemon "genwunners" that are a noticable part of the fanbase. With Brawl a lot of people (myself guilty) were pissed with the removal of moving air dodge (thus taking out wavedashing) and trying to make the competitive metagame less ridiculous.
At the very least Nintendo tries to occasionally do something different. Such as how they are publishing games from Platinum (such as Wonderful 101 and Bayonetta 2). If anything it seems Nintendo makes some mario games so they can get money to fund different ventures. Sometimes it's a hit (like Animal Crossing) and sometimes it's a miss (like the Virtual Boy). With stuff like the Wii U they at least try to be innovative. The PS4 and XboxOne are just stronger versions of their previous console. No matter what you say about the game recording ps4 allows, or the Kinect now coming with the console, at heart they are just the same thing except slightly improved hardware.
But I'm going on a tangent, this has nothing to do with CoD. The point is with CoD is that CoD fails to get better in any way thus it may fizzle like other Activision properties.
Their paying a third party for those titles, in that way they are different, but Nintendo rarely tries to come out with new IP's. With as much money, time, and man power they always had the option of experimenting and expanding with new works. Instead they kept returning to the same titles, reinventing them. I might agree that Nintendo's fan base locks them into being unable to change their core titles, but caving to that pressure just reinforces that the community can demand the same product over again. If they really thought Windwaker was a failure, they wouldn't have HD'd it. What I am trying to say, while you may hold the community responsible Nintendo seems more than willing to comply without fighting, even when it's successful.
Other than Zelda fan boys, I hear nothing but great things about Windwaker, I haven't played Ocarina/Mask, but out of the ones I've played it is my favorite. It's one of the titles getting me to consider buying a WiiU (still have the original).
Nintendo could always use those writers/programers from Zelda on a new title and just not call it Zelda, but they rely on name to sell copies, refusing to separate themselves from their past titles.
Not sure what virtual boy is The idea of giving up on experimenting due to a failure more than 15 years old would be a really bad excuse, And Animal Crossing is an old title that they redid/continued (dunno, haven't played any). It sounded like you were associating that as a new venture, so I wanted to say this if that was the case.
(Somethign to do with Call of Duty...) The adds are annoying, I keep getting them from gamestop... and I am afriad of the generation of gamers their breedings... where will they go once COD is over... Games are moving toward a more "Multiplayer" format with more social options... ~imagines T bagging kids talking (screaming) shit across every multiplayer game in the future~