Did someone already make this thread? if so just link me.
I just downloaded God Eater for the PSP, it's all in japanese so I can't get the story. Who cares about the story! (me T_T) Like any japanese game I'll play it until they make an english version of the game (IF they make one). This is how I play metal gear peacewalker, I play it in japanese and re-play it on english (MGSPW english coming out this june)
Okay I tried like 3 missions already and I have to say. . .
Just in spirit though. . .
They give you this big-ass sword that transforms in to a gun, then they sent me in to this place to kill something. The controls are like monster hunter here:
R: run,transform weapon
L: Lock-on
Square: Attack
Triangle: Attack 2/ Charge attack
Circle: Dash/Interact
X: Jump
Analog: movement
Direc. pad: camera
Maybe the diff is that the weapon is ALWAYS unsheated
I get my first mission from a girl in a counter (MHFU?) the format of the menu is the same as monster hunter, level 1 quests has 7 quests if you finish them all you can go to level 2! best logic evar. I engage my first monster which is a yian-kutku looking monster. Unlike monster hunter I didn't think of ANY plan to fight it, I charged in recklessly flailing my sword around while dodging all attacks. Unexpectedly I win and get an S rank (I think there's an SSS rank). Can't carve the monster. So like monster hunter you can have a partner, because some people don't have friends or siblings you can have up to four AI partners.
You really just have to play the game yourself to see the similarity between MH
Well fuck MH, this is god eater.
The only thing I can say after 2 hours of gameplay is: Otakumax approves this game