What was your favourite Path?
Favourite ending?
Mh.. I hope there isn't a topic like that already but so far i just saw a topic where someone put up the download link but i didnt really see people discussing it there so im starting one on my own!
Right now i only finished Makinas Route and am now on Amanes Route..
But i have to say Makinas Route really was something, but one thing that always was bothering me was
that even after they had sex she continued to call him Papa. And even through the sex, which made the H scene rather not enjoyable. But i guess thats gonna be for all the H-scenes like that because it seems he got a habit of hiting their womb which in reality doesnt feel good at all, and since i can relate to it since i am a woman reading that kinda makes it painfull instead of hot.. ;-;
To Makinas Endings
Gosh.. The Good Ending was okay i guess, i was happy for them to be together and having a Bakery,and i thought Makina was pretty cool because she was the new Sniper but somehow.. They had promised to return to the school didnt they? And Makima made it seem really important, but they never did. And that made me pretty sad. Also it didnt seem to make sense to me that they didnt just kill Makina off at the hospital? And the bad ending oh my god.. ;-; there was this flie sound as she was talking to the bag making it seem like there was his head or something inside.. ;__;