Grythy wrote...
Does anyone know how to get conversation and clothing choices translated? I have installed the enlish patch, but it isnt working. Here's a pick so i know it is translated.
From what i read when installing and from what Klown posted only the user interface and menus are translated in the patch he linked. tho considering how long ago this was posted there should be a updated English patch by now hopefully.
those who need a strait instruction guide on how to install here's what worked for me.
First i mounted the file using demon tools
then looked at the files on the cd and saw a file named IHSetup use that to install the game first then use the autoup data to update the game that are with the updates. Note that the first update needs to be unpacked again but it does that on it's own when you double click the gokuaku_up_101 it will unpack a file that will have the autoup data in it after you use the autoup data in both updates.
You can finally use the English installer to finish it all up.
Enjoy i can only hope that i gave clear enough directions.