Game Synopsis:
Shikanosuke Maejima is a student at Oubi Academy, a school of a missionary nature. He doesn't visit his club. He doesn't put much effort into his studies. All he really does is show up at his part time job. In short, his life could be better.
All this changes when he meets Kirari Shiino at work. Kirari is a strange girl, and soon Shikanosuke finds himself joining a punk band. This is where the story begins.
The members of the band are Shikanosuke, Kirari, Shikanosuke's childhood friend Chie Isurugi, and a rich yet sickly girl by the name of Sarina Kashiwara. The four of them are members of the Second Literature Club, which has little in the way of active members and which is scheduled to be canceled. The band is their way of saying farewell to their club.
Though ill-prepared for the challenge ahead, the members go through eccentric training, and eventually succeed in rocking Oubi Academy's cultural festival with their debut performance.
And that should have been it. The members should have been satisfied, and they should have returned to their normal school lives.
However, their final performance at a local music theater ends up as a hit on the Internet, and they receive requests from theaters far and wide who want them to come and perform.
What now? Exams are coming up, and the families are opposed to the band.
But none of that matters!
The four of them embark on a trip through Japan, armed with their makeshift musical instruments and aboard a rickety van that could come apart at any moment. It is to be their final project as academy students.
Font Hack Download
[size=10]Here's the font hack to get rid of that freaking annoying font mang@gamer chose to use on this game.[/h]
[size=10]Install the font and then extract ipl._bp into Kira Kira's directory[/h]
alt: Font Hack Megaupload Font Hack Mediafire
"That's okay, Punk music is one of the easiest forms of music. You only need to know 3 chords on the guitar, you can basically scream whatever you want, and you just bang the drums as you wish. Plus, we don't need a bass player if we don't want one."
OMFGBSDEISODNF!!!! That shit was hilariously true.
looks great, downloading it now.
I pressed -REP by accident, will double +REP you when I can.
EDIT: I'm having trouble extracting the files, the first part seems to be corrupted so I can't unnrar data04000.arc. I'm downloading this part again, hopefully this time it will work.
2nd EDIT: second time did give a different result, it was worse. On the first time the file size was ~0.5kB smaller that it should have been, the second time it was ~1kB smaller. I'm using chrome, I'll try downloading with explorer, hope 3rd time's the charm.
3rd EDIT: Something is wrong with the first file. I can't download it no matter what, always a problem with the downloading at 99%... please fix this when you can. Thank you!
4th EDIT: And by god may this be the last. I think for some reason my AntiVirus thought the first part was bad for my PC. it quarantined it so the file was never complete. I restored it and everything was ok. But you may want to double check that file... just in case.
Anyway, awesome. I'm loving this game, only a few minutes into it. The comedy is good, the art is great, and it uses the "Text covers the image" presentation, which lets me not use the girl's breasts as attention grabbers.
+Rep, definitely well earned.
On a side not, do mine eyes deceive me, or is he wearing a long, orange wig in that OP picture?
I am about 8 hours into the game and I am loving more every minute that I play it. There have been moments were I just busted out in laughter and those moments are plentiful. This is a VN that I am hoping will last at least 30 hours, more would always be better but I am hoping for at least that.