So I was playing today, and the match was far from good. Rage quits, dumbasses, and a ping that didn't go below 300 makes for a lame game. My team performs well at the end, almost making it though the finale. But I, the last man standing, am incapped right as the helicopter arrive. The screen fades but the match doesn't end. Instead I find myself spawned as a smoke atop the pipes on the roof, and before I have time to complete the thought "what the fuck?" I'm informed I will become the tank. I look around and see that the helicopter is there and enemy team is back in the spawn and getting rush by the horde by the sound of it. I can't recall if there is a pipe to climb to get on top of the elevator shaft and reach them so I lose control and a bot takes over I spawn as a boomer and am informed I will become that tank again, but instead of taking back control I get a new tank. Lolz ensue.
I present to you the L4D Bonus round:
Good times