Yeah, I've been a hardcore fan of KOF's 2D style through the years, and 13 has the best presentation of the cast yet
Try telling that to some actual KoF player. They're all pissed that the game has left out too many key characters of other titles like 2k2.
2k2 is a dream match, similar to what 98 did. Getting all the characters living or dead in the storyline and put them in the game. Anyone who is a "fan" of KOF should know that there are dream matches in the series. Since XIII is a game based on story, it isn't going to have the amazing roster a lot of people want. Although it is a gripe that the roster is still small for a KOF game, but storywise, it makes sense.
Well, considering what happened in KOF 2003 and XI, people should have been prepared more or less about the cast change for XIII, I too was disappointed that some of the mainstays didn't come back, but remember that other characters were missing in action too made their return in this game as well. And the game was meant to close up the Ash saga, meaning only the key characters for its story have to make it into this game.
Personally, I missed 2k2, but it really doesn't stack to its updated version, Ultimate Match 2002 with the added Kyo clones, Kusanagi FTW.
I'm just hoping the next game is a dream match, since that is the basic rule, conclude the three story games and then a dream match game. Just waiting for Geese to make a comeback.
Got some DoA5 Akira goodness going on GameFAQS, if anyone is interested feel free to add your thoughts. Anything that helps me play Akira is appreciated
dont jump so much, it weakens your position. ibuki has amazing groundgame with st.lp,, forward HK and downforward+mk (this goes under projectiles and a ton of other moves). no random neckbreakers (those things shouldnt hit, and they're massively unsafe), use the meter for EX tsumuji (QCB+KK) instead. the only time you actually wanna commit into the air is after the targetcombo, you superjump cancel it forward and go into a mixup situation -> air targetcombo jumpin or emptyjump/late jumpin with parry OS against shoryus (this is not needed against makoto anyway), alternatively this is where you wanna throw the ex kunais. Raida (I believe it's HCB+P?) is blockable but can't be parried. this is also amazing at catching random mashing attempts by the opponent, deals massive damage and stun.
a few stuffs to practice:
forward mk, link xx QCB+KK. this link also works on standing opponents. confirming into raida / tsumuji. this is amazing and punishes low parry attempts hard.
cr.MP into EX tsumuji autoconfirming by buffering.
ending targetcombos or just regular normals into the command dash is also pretty good. it recovers fast enough to not be actually punishable and from there you can go into a pretty lame throw guessing game by either throwing the dude or punishing his throw tech attempt with jumping up and throwing out a SA1. that super is safe even if the entire thing gets parried.
I've started playing Arcana Heart 3 recently. My PSN ID is maelstrom33 if anybody wants to play. I'm glad I got Persona 4 Arena back when it came out. I'm really starting to get into 2D anime fighters.
So far I have BlazBlue CSEX, Arcana Heart 3, and Persona 4 Arena. I think I might import Aqua Pazza. Can't wait for the new BlazBlue either.