doswillrule wrote...
Damn you guys. Klorofolun's post made me bid on a Vault Tec bobblehead.
I'd love one, but they cost so damn much, considering what it is. 40 dollars for a little bobblehead is something I can't justify buying.
On topic though, I didn't know that the OoT Gold Cartridge was limited edition. I'll add that to my list, along with the Resident Evil 4 Collectors Edition (Closest thing I have). I had a Gamecube at the time of this game's release, and the only way to get the game here when it first came out was to buy the limited edition. It even has the "Only for Gamecube" notice on it. *chuckles* Turns out that was wrong.
I very rarely even feel compelled to buy limited editions of games, I find it hard to justify it. Why am I paying an extra 20 dollars, and for the most part getting an artbook, or maybe a music CD? It depends on where you live though, we don't get good bonuses where I live.