Andy 117 wrote...
A lot of people here will leap at the fact that it's a Suda51 game, or even that it has Tara Strong in it (damn bronies taking over the internet...), but I'm most excited about James Gunn's involvement. As far as I'm concerned,
Super (which he wrote and directed) was the best film of 2010 and his sense of humour is subversively twisted (in stark opposition to Suda51's, whose is just regular twisted) and I can't wait to see what he brings to the table. Honestly, he could be one of my favourite writer/directors and I can't wait to see more of the actual plot because I'm convinced it'll be brilliant as per usual. Seriously.
This whole project has somehow eclipsed
Shadows of the Damned in the mega-team of collaborators department... I didn't think "Suda51 + Shinji Mikami" could be topped but "Suda51 + James Gunn + Twilight Sparkle"'ll do it!
I heard he was going to do a movie of some sort after the game. I think its just a rumor but then again its James Gunn. Midnight showing if it ever happens
Everyone is forgetting Jimmy Urine [MSI] lol. He makes the music for the boss fights as well as being one of those bosses [Zed]. Not sure if its all of them yet because of the content in the japanese version. Each region has a 'special' musical guest as a boss fight/music collab, I'm not sure if it carries over to all versions like the costumes will though.
In short, this game is loaded with recognizable people.