Lost Odyssey

So I've had my eye on the RPG for quite some time, and it's finally being released this month (Aus, Eur & NorthUSA)

You play as Kaim (seen below basically pwning an army) an immortal man who has lived more than 1000 years. He is joined by 8 other playable characters.
The Story? I have no idea at the moment, but it seems to do with Kaim having amnesia (I think)

Hironobu Sakaguchi, the Creator of the Final Fantasy series, is the games Producer. He's joined by Nobuo Uematsu who has composed music for the Final Fantasy series.

This game has been getting very good reviews in asia and looks like a must get for any 360 owners who love RPGs (Oh yeah, its a 360 exclusive btw)

Tsujoi Social Media Manager
Story is about the many generations in which he lived in a world nearing a mystical industrial revolution. Romance, loss, and conflict play parts in the story.

Kiyoshi Shigematsu, a Japanese novelist, worked directly with Sakaguchi on the story sequences.

Takehiko Inoue, manga artist(Vagabond and Real), headed up the art depertmant.

Playable Characters:
Kaim Argonar
Seth Balmore
Queen Ming Numara
Jansen Friedh
Sarah Sisulart
Now that does look fucking cool. Shame I don't own a 360. Damm my Sony loyaltie.
I was wondering if this game would be any good and it doesn't look like it's very disappointing.
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
Looks like the strong point in the game will be the story. Four disc game.
tsujoi wrote...
Looks like the strong point in the game will be the story. Four disc game.

Yeah. That's a first for any of the next gen systems.
I haven't particularly looked into this game, but i keep hearing about it. How do you think it would compare to other RPG's on the X360?(which i mean Eternal Sonata and Mass Effect)
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
Lol, just saw Vignette intro at gametrailers. Haha, that was pretty funny. Wish I had a box and the game. Hope it gets ported to some other console or PC.
animan09 wrote...
tsujoi wrote...
Looks like the strong point in the game will be the story. Four disc game.

Yeah. That's a first for any of the next gen systems.

you have to realize though that the game can be played with the german, english + 2 other languages. It would prolly onle be 2 discs if it werent for the added languages.

as far as comparison...its nothing like mass effect. It would prolly be best compared to an Old school FF with better graphics. the story is well written and the dream sequences are also well written short stories of the immortals past.
Damn that nice looking game plays like FF I need to get that when dose it come out?
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
ShadowKing wrote...
Damn that nice looking game plays like FF I need to get that when dose it come out?
already out in the US
I don't get it. In France, some professionnal gamers say that LO sucks.

"Bad design" "Ugly music" "Really short game"

Personnaly, I like the design, and the choice of five languages is awesome !
I'll buy this game soon, I like RPG and old school games (I made all the FF serie and many other rpgs) don't know why the critics spit on this game :x
I couldn't finish this game. I found it way too boring and shallow.
I played this recently.......It sucked.
Wow, I'm absolutely surprised to see it divided like this. Seems like you either love this game or think it sucked.

Personally, I loved it. I thought the story was great, the music was amazing, the cut scenes were good. I loved the random humor here and there, usually triggered by Jansen. My first play through took me about 85 hours, and that was after skipping some of the bonus stuff because I went straight for the ending since the story was good.

One more thing I really loved was the dream sequences. I usually don't like a lot of reading in RPGs, but these were so well written that I wanted more. The background images and sound effects that went with them were done very well, and some of the stories were written so well and were so sad that I actually cried.
RagedBear wrote...
Wow, I'm absolutely surprised to see it divided like this. Seems like you either love this game or think it sucked.

Personally, I loved it. I thought the story was great, the music was amazing, the cut scenes were good. I loved the random humor here and there, usually triggered by Jansen. My first play through took me about 85 hours, and that was after skipping some of the bonus stuff because I went straight for the ending since the story was good.

One more thing I really loved was the dream sequences. I usually don't like a lot of reading in RPGs, but these were so well written that I wanted more. The background images and sound effects that went with them were done very well, and some of the stories were written so well and were so sad that I actually cried.

I must agree with you. Lost Odyssey is the RPG I waited for man. Since its' made by the creators/team of FF, I consider this to be the true FF11. I found this game extremely enjoyable, and Jansen never let off the humor ["WOW! puberty is weird!"] I found it a little disappointing that the game did not have summons, but its' all good. The sidequests were fun [I was swearing and having fun while searching for buried treasure] and the maps were good, compared to FF12, where you cannot ever tell where the hell you are without looking at the mini-map. All in all, I give the game a 9/10 :)
alexanderthenine wrote...
RagedBear wrote...
Wow, I'm absolutely surprised to see it divided like this. Seems like you either love this game or think it sucked.

Personally, I loved it. I thought the story was great, the music was amazing, the cut scenes were good. I loved the random humor here and there, usually triggered by Jansen. My first play through took me about 85 hours, and that was after skipping some of the bonus stuff because I went straight for the ending since the story was good.

One more thing I really loved was the dream sequences. I usually don't like a lot of reading in RPGs, but these were so well written that I wanted more. The background images and sound effects that went with them were done very well, and some of the stories were written so well and were so sad that I actually cried.

I must agree with you. Lost Odyssey is the RPG I waited for man. Since its' made by the creators/team of FF, I consider this to be the true FF11. I found this game extremely enjoyable, and Jansen never let off the humor ["WOW! puberty is weird!"] I found it a little disappointing that the game did not have summons, but its' all good. The sidequests were fun [I was swearing and having fun while searching for buried treasure] and the maps were good, compared to FF12, where you cannot ever tell where the hell you are without looking at the mini-map. All in all, I give the game a 9/10 :)

But it's not like FF12 was bad, it was just not able to live up to it's potential since it was on PS2 and not PS3. Lost Oddyssey was, to the designers, an experiment to see if RPG's could take a jump into the future and still remain popular, which it did. The being in the future part is actually the background images and sound effects were so good. As for why there weren't any summons, There's a pretty reasonable explanation; They didn't choose to be one of the traditional RPG's, and although they didn't completely re-imagine the genre, they managed to be different.
On another note, it seems like everybody agrees on the games good points.
I played this game when my friend brought his 360 around to try out on my HDTV. I was really impressed by what I saw although, outside of graphical improvements, I didn't see an awful lot to put this ahead of "last gen" RPGs. It had a great feel to it and was thoroughly enjoyable although, and I don't say this meaning to insult the game, I don't particularity feel in a hurry to carry on playing it.
Monster Girl
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