Mabinogi: Heroes my personal review


How long do you think it will take before Nexon brings out this game in English?

I think they would want it since it is bound to be popular.

I tried out Mabinogi: Heroes and it is very fun. Here is my personal review on it. If you have questions ask.

It is a completely different game than Mabinogi. You can use keyboard or a mix of keyboard and mouse for controls.

I played as the female defender class. You start off with 2 main attacks, a block, and a grab. The two attacks are a weak attack and strong attack.

You have an Hp bar (of course) a stamina bar and an sp bar. Your hp will grow based on things like gear and status. I think their are some skills that raise stamina. And sp seems to be used for special skills.

There are three classes to choose from so far. A female mage, a male dual blade user, and a female sword and shield user. There will be many more classes released later in the game it is still in open beta.
When I played closed beta there were only two classes. Now there are three. They will be releasing a summoner class soon and then most likely the archer class.

In character creation you can customize various things about your character. Your hair type which includes over 15 types. The color (with variety). The eye color. the make up (for females) and facial hair (for males). You can add scars. Change the eye brow type. And add a tattoo, and their are many to chose from which you can customize the color of. You can also customize height and.......breast size. You also get 3 choices of defualt clothes that show when you have no armor on. You can change the colors of those clothes too.

They added many unique and realistic features in the game:

1. Your stamina can be used up while, sprinting, grabbing and throwing objects and blocking. when your stamina runs out you will stop and catch your breath making you vulnerable to attacks. While holding objects your stamina will drain and when it reaches 0 you will drop the object.

2. Lots of things can be grabbed in this game. And you can use those objects to stun your enemies which comes in handy for bosses.

3. Since I played as the female defender I am able to block attacks with a shield. There is a regular shield block and then there is a defensive stance which has your character kneel and hold her shield up to block stronger attacks. Normally to use the shield you hold down the "a" key. to innate a defensive stance you hold down "a+ the up arrow".

4. Objects all carry a certain weight to them, throwing a squash is easier than throwing a boulder and the squash will fly further while the boulder will do more damage and possibly stun.

5. Certain attacks carry more weight. regular enemies can easily be blocked with a shield. Earlier bosses can too. Later bosses require more strategy and planning as they cannot be blocked with a regular shield. You must quickly switch to defensive stance for those bosses. And some boss attacks carry more weight. The wolf duo bosses (an archer and the other a mace user) will charge at you. If you are a low lvl those charge attacks can kill you in one hit. When going into defensive stance you can block the attack but if your stamina is low then you may take damage. The charge attacks from those bosses will knock you back even when in defensive stance but you will be able slide on your boots and lean forward to keep balance. The Red wolf boss which uses a huge hammer is harder to block. If you are in defensive stance when he attacks he will throw you really far back and you will practically lose your balance. So certain attacks will knock you further back.

6. Your armor and weapons can break. There was one battle I was in where all my armor was damaged. It shows the damage too. First my helmet was knocked off. Then my my chest plate was broken. Then my shirt fabric was ripped. Then my gauntlets were cracked and broken off. Then the metal plating on my boots broke. Then my shorts got torn. And after using my shield to block the massive attacks it started to chip off in pieces. Your armor has a durability which is separate from how your armor breaks while in game play. When you leave a mission your armor will be restored to the normal look but you will lose durability which can be easily repaired at the blacksmith.

7. You can use objects like spears to throw at your enemies and pin them down. Which is useful on bosses.

8. You can grab smaller enemies and perform various grab attacks which can be useful in clearing large mobs.

9. This game is room based with an open town. In the town you have a blacksmith, auction area, potions an alchemy dealer, clothes and fabric store, armor store, your house, and a bar that is kind of like a small headquarters where you gain a majority of your quests. When you want to do a mission you go to the port outside which has a bunch of boats. Each boat relates to a different location. Each location has many different maps which pertain to that scenery. to do different maps you must be the lvl required. To move to a different boat (different location) you must complete a number of quests to gain admittance. There is a max of 4 player parties.

10. There is voice chat in the game which can be used by holding down the ctrl key and talking into your mic.

11. There is a physics based engine used in game which I believe is from the havok engine. I even hear sounds resembling from half life 2 lol! Objects carry a realistic feel to them. I already mentioned the weight of objects and how you can pick up and destroy various things like pillars. Your hair will sway in the game. Things that hang from your clothes like tassels, belts,and feathers will also sway. The breasts on the female also....jiggle.

12. There are obstacles in the game which you need to dodge like swinging spiked logs, bulldozer machines, falling rubble.

I will show some pictures of gameplay to better represent what I am talking about.

This picture shows the differences in new armor and damaged armor. They are both before and after pics.


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The next pics are showing what it looks like when performing a grab on an enemy. If you are close to a wall you will push the enemy against the wall and smash into him hard, cause the wall to crack a little.

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The next pics show me in defensive stance and then blocking an attack from a huge hammer. The last pic is of me blocking a charge from the wolf, the guy near me couldn't block and got hit.....

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The next pics show how you can carry things.

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The next few pics show different armor for each class which you will get later in the game.

Mage class.

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Dual blade user

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Honestly, I've been wanting to play this game for awhile. It seems like a game that will be really fun to play, especially with friends, but not something that can drag you in and suck out your life and get addicted to it.

My only issue is, being a room-based game in Korea, it probably operates off of a Peer-to-peer network, like DFO. In which case, I hope NA Nexon by then comes to the realization that P2P doesn't work well in North America.
Creek Drank the Cradle wrote...
Honestly, I've been wanting to play this game for awhile. It seems like a game that will be really fun to play, especially with friends, but not something that can drag you in and suck out your life and get addicted to it.

My only issue is, being a room-based game in Korea, it probably operates off of a Peer-to-peer network, like DFO. In which case, I hope NA Nexon by then comes to the realization that P2P doesn't work well in North America.

But... now I wanna play it more because the boobs jiggle. ;-;
Also, spoiler those pictures, they're annoying to scroll through.
Quadratic wrote...
Creek Drank the Cradle wrote...
Honestly, I've been wanting to play this game for awhile. It seems like a game that will be really fun to play, especially with friends, but not something that can drag you in and suck out your life and get addicted to it.

My only issue is, being a room-based game in Korea, it probably operates off of a Peer-to-peer network, like DFO. In which case, I hope NA Nexon by then comes to the realization that P2P doesn't work well in North America.

But... now I wanna play it more because the boobs jiggle. ;-;
Also, spoiler those pictures, they're annoying to scroll through.

Spoiler doesn't seem to work.

Oh and pics I took ^^.

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NOoooooo! The cute anime characters that I liked are going to look like a bunch of asians running around now...and I see a bunch of asians running around every day already 0-0

But in all seriousness it seems like a real step up from their previous game, but I don't understand why they couldn't just call it a completely different game. Well it's not like I care. Haven't played original Mabinogi in 8 years and the only thing I like about Mabinogi is the Nao and Succubus hentai I find.

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GSDAkatsuki wrote...
NOoooooo! The cute anime characters that I liked are going to look like a bunch of asians running around now...and I see a bunch of asians running around every day already 0-0

But in all seriousness it seems like a real step up from their previous game, but I don't understand why they couldn't just call it a completely different game. Well it's not like I care. Haven't played original Mabinogi in 8 years and the only thing I like about Mabinogi is the Nao and Succubus hentai I find.

This game uses the story line that is hundreds of years before mabinogi's storyline so they kept the name in the title.

10 char
You can't spoil stuff if the tag is in caps.
It works in lowercase
But not in caps.
EDIT: Guess they don't work.
Since it won't let me edit my post (gives me an error) I will just post my updated review.

Not sure if thise is the right section, if it isn't then move it to the correct area.

I posted link to pics instead of the images themselves to save peoples' bandwidth and space. If enough people want to see the full size images here and they don't break forum rules then I may post them here.

My Personal review of Mabinogi: Heroes.

Most of you have heard of Mabinogi an mmorpg that has been out for years. Well don't confuse this game with the old one since it is completely different in gameplay.
The game's plot is supposed to take place more than a hundred years prior to the plot in the original Mabinogi. Some of the style in Heroes does resemble the original like the armor.

Currently there are only three classes released which are gender locked. Those three classes are.

Defender (Fiona)
Mage (Evy)
Dual Swordsman (Lethitas)

Later on they will release many more classes like Summoner, Archer, Two handed swordsman.

Character Creation:
There are a variety of customizations you can choose for your character.
There are over 15 styles of hair and many colors to choose from.
There are various eye colors and also make up for female or facial hair for male.
You can also add scar wounds and tattoos which you can change the color of and the placement.
There are three undergarments to choose from for each character to have two of which are no choice lol!
Alot of the items for character customization are premium meaning they are cash shop.
When you create a new character you get to choose from them for free for seven days.
After that you go back to regular items. This is how the game stays F2P.
There are ways you can buy coupons in the game from other players to change your looks though.

The game uses the same system as most mmos by making the armor have lvl requirements, but the armor also carries weight requirements.
There are four types of armor:


From top to bottom is lightest to heaviest.

You cannot wear armor that is over your weight limit. As you lvl the amount of weight you can carry is increased.
Armor over time will lose durability and once it hits zero you will be unable to wear that piece of armor.
Armor can be repaired at the blacksmith for cheap and no loss in overall durability.
Wear a full set of the same armor and you will be granted with bonus stats depending on how many pieces of that set you are wearing.

Each class has restricitons to the weapons they can use.
The defender can use a sword and a shield or a hammer and a shield.
The dual swordsman can use two swords or two spears.
The Mage can only use staffs so far.

Heroes has many various items you can craft.
Crafting can be done at various shops depending on what you want to craft.
Most craft items can easily be found as drops while doing missions.
So far it seems like crafting has a 100% success rate.
Crafting is pretty popular becuase it is one of the only ways to get armor and weapons. The drops for armor and weapons are scarce and very few quests give them out.

Auction house:
There is an auction house implemented in this game. If you have trouble getting an item you can always buy it from another player in the Auction house.
Items are organized by type. When searching for an item you will see the type and when you click on the type you want it will display each person selling that item.
It will also show the price and how many of that item they are selling.
Once you buy an item it will be sent to your mailbox where you can pick it up.

Equipment can be upgraded with the use of certain items found as drops and a fee.
Upgrading an item will increase the stats and lower the weight requirements.
I am unsure if items will break, fail, or lower the rate when trying to upgrade.

Each character has their own skills and many passives are similar.
Skills can either be recieved from the shop or as quest rewards.
Skills also carry lvl requirements.
Every skill you get starts off as "F rank"
Skills can be upgraded a rank by adding AP to them. AP can be recieved as a reward for completing a quest.
AP can also be recieved slowly over a period of time. There is a limit to how much AP you can have at one time which is 50 AP.
You must spend your AP on skills in order to make space for more AP to be recieved.
There are many skills to choose from.

Defender usually gets defense skills that concentrate on blocking or counter attack.
Mage gets magic skills which are a mix of close and ranged combat also with healing.
Dual swordsman recieves many attack skills which focus on speed and dashing.

There are also skills which raise stats and lower weight requirements on armor.

Fishing can be acquired at lvl 2. You will need to buy a license every time you go out and fish. Once on the boat you can purchase supplies and fish. There will be warning messages when fish and treasure is nearby. You must aim your bow gun at the fish or chest and shoot them to pull them in.

Mabinogi: Heroes is a room based game. There is a town where you get most of your needs before starting a mission.
Missions can be found outside the town at the docks. Each boat represents a different area. Each area contains many missions.
Missions carry lvl requirements and also PT requirements. You may be the right lvl but you may not have the right amount of PTs.
Each mission gives out PTs for accomplishing certain things or mission types. And each mission has a meter to show how many PTs you have gained.
There is a max amount of PTs that can be recieved for that mission. Usually to move forward later missions require you to have 100 PTs on each one before it and sometimes more.

In normal parties the max player count is 4. Some missions require the use of only two players or solo. There are raids which can consist of 6 players on hard missions.
To make a party you must go to the docks and select one of the boats.
Once inside the room (on the boat) you can either add players or have players randomly join in from the active party list.

All players can revive others with the use of items. Item use is restricted in missions depending on which slot you added the item too. The slots are hotkeys for numbers 1-4.
Each slot carries an item use requirement which varies from 3-4 uses per mission. There are also attack weapons you can purchase in shop which can be added to the shift hotkey.
These items can be used up to seven times per mission.

the items consist of:
Spears - which you can throw at the enemies to stun them or knock them down.
Bombs- which have a damage area affect.
grappling hook- used to hold enemies back.

The game consists of two different contol styles. One is keyboard and the other is a mix of mouse and keyboard.
There are 4 main attacks that can be used at the beginning.

Weak attack
Strong attack

Depending on the class the setup is different.

After you gained enough lvls and mission accomplishments you may move forward to the second boat which carries a new aspect.
This aspect require players to use silver coins in order to do missions on the second boat and further on.
The usual requirements per mission is two silver coins for the first 6 uses and then after that it takes 3 coins and later 4.
Every Monday and friday players recieve 50 coins. And inbetween those periods you can also gain statues to turn in to recieve 10 silver coins.
You must have 40 statues to complete that quest. It can be completed once every refill period.
To gain the statues you must either revive fallen players or party with players 5 or more lvls below your own.
If you have no coins you can always do lower lvl missions on the first boat to gain items money and (little) exp and AP.

Graphics Engine:
Heroes uses a heavily modified source engine similar to lost coast in that it uses HDR.
It also has a physics engine like Havok which gives developers the ability to create some pretty unique aspects for an MMO.

The enviornment has many objects which can be destroyed and used as weapons.
You can also destroy objects by throwing enemies into them.
You can pick up a variety of weapons and use them on the enemy or throw them at your teammates.
Things that hang from your characters body will also move depending on the motion that your character is performing.
And of course they added Bounciness to female breasts.

Armor can break while in mission if you are hit repeatedly or too hard. When the armor breaks during a mission you can see the effect.
The armor will fall on the ground in pieces and you may recieve ripped clothes and pieces of armor hanging from your fabric.
Repeat use of blocking on strong attacks can chip/break your shield which causes it to lose it's ability to block heavier attacks.
Over time you maybe be left with completely destroyed armor and only have shredded clothing.
If you run into this problem you can repair the armor while in the mission if you purchased repair kits and added them to one of the 4 hotkey slots.
This repairing does not bring the durability back up so if your item has zero durability you cannot repair it until you go back to the blacksmith.
What the repair kit does is give you the ability to wear the armor that broke off to regain some defense or attack.

There are also many obstacles and traps that must be avoided when running through a mission. Examples are:

Huge snowballs
Falling pillars
Spiked ceilings
Spiked swinging logs
Bulldozer machines
Bridges being cut by enemies

As you progress through the game bosses will become increasingly harder and require much more strategy in order to defeat them. Some quests require you to kill a boss a certain way and others require you to not die at all.

Armor breaking





Some bosses

Character creation

Character armor


Dual Swordsman

Some different map locations

In town

Monster Girl
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