Kotone wrote...
Kaimax wrote...
Silly question: lol
How much is the probability that a "Spammer" is actually a "Lazy Skilled one"? :D
Rather than "Spam" a "Lazy Skilled one" would abuse. One of my games somehow turned into a fireball war, so I used Zero and won that one using his fireball and charge blaster. It was interesting to say the least.
On a recent fight I found a guy who would Spam Chris's magnum shot , Akuma' Tatsumaki senpuu, and random character between Ironman or Taskmaster or Dante.
I lost to him at first, because I didn't know that Chris's MAgnum hurts alot, so in the rematch I used Deadpool to kill off chris first, adn then won the match.
There's this other time were someone I fought used Haggar/Dante/Sentinel... good thing he's a worst spammer and chun-li and Dante has double Jump lol, while Captain America can just shield Charge the projectiles.
curiously, I haven't met any Arthur Spammers.
@SAMserious I think it's Captain America Vs Taskmaster.. Not really sure about the killing machine part. but Captain America is a "national hero"
haven't gotten the "copy this" torphy/achievement, since I rarely use Spiderman, still not sure who's the "fly". Maybe Taskmaster? lol
I think both trophies are about Taskmaster Copying Capt' and Spidey lol.