Zeriam wrote...
KP, I know how to deal to with Phoenix and you're forgetting that Viscanti and Filipino champ use her also.
and Viscant demolished everybody with Wesker when they kept running into Haggar assist, rarely even using her. FChamp is a different case, but its not like she's a crutch for his team, he's scary as hell without even using her. Hell, the guy runs a really really scary REGULAR Phoenix on point as first character on occasion... Something people don't even bother to take many risks with.
Kiyomin wrote...
She is just another high tier character you have to deal with and develop strategies similar to Yun in SSFIVAE and Sagat in Vanilla.
This. Only Phoenix, Yun and V. Sagat are nowhere near as frightening and dominant as the top tier characters of the previous generation. Most of these people complaining would shit themselves hardcore and cry in a corner if they ever had to deal with old school MSP or CVS2 Sagat or A-Groove BS.
I understand patches are good and all, and there's no doubt that UMVC3 was pretty much needed, but the "Complain and Capcom changes stuff" part of this current gen is stupid.