It doesn't have to be your favourite, just something that you thought was epic/badass/sad etc.
But post only one scene per post, and no fuckin YT spamming, kills my browser.
Also, put spoiler-tags if needed, don't ruin stuff for others.
My first contribution, the "Praying-scene" from ChaoS;HEAd.
Epic stuff if you ask me.
Ofc you have to have played through C;H to get the greatness of it.
Feel free to rate/discuss the scenes being brought up if you've played through 'em too
sorry, I just can't remember anything, since I play more than 200 titles. The only thing that might pass into my head will be, fate/stay night or other English translated games, and if I posted some from the untranslated people won't understand much. :roll:
I was not expecting her to just up and explode in a shower of bloody bits. All appearances suggested that it would be a rare Rescue moment in that deathbed.
The climax of Aeka's route in Yume Miru Kusuri.
While I do repeatedly condemn Kouhei for not bringing a knife, a tazer, and a gun to school from the start of the incident, seeing Antoinette shit herself was fucking awesome.
The "Final Boss" in Chaos Head...No, fuck it. Everything post Di-sword acquisition.
Mikan's triumphant return in Wanko to Kurasou. Warmed my dead heart a bit before my headphones slipped and I heard my family in the background.
Breaking up the marriage meeting in Crescendo on Kaori's route.
Unlimited Blade Works. [size=3]And to fucking hell with Sakura
First meeting with Arcueid in her apartment in Tsukihime. So utterly random.
Any one of the endings in Ever17, but especially the True Ending.
Mmm...I think I had a few more, but my memory is failing me.
Saya no Uta : One of the endings where Fuminori kills himself by repeatedly hacking apart his face with an axe after witnassing the destruction of Saya the only thing he loves in the world. It was just heart wrenching seeing Saya pulling her dying self along the ground to Fuminori as Koji tried despreately to stop her. It was really tragic yet at the same time touching as they were both united in death.
Fate/Stay Night: Various scenes in UBW and also HF one particular scene that I loved is the fight between Kotomine and Shirou in the end of HF, it was nothing extravagant just fist against fist between two dying men.
After defeating the final boss and freeing Remedia's soul, she was reborn and soon be reunited with Nakuto and Hazuki in the final event, the music adds the touching feeling to it.
Damn you Klown for giving me another memorable scene. Wew, I got another when I just played the G senjou no maou (at last I have the time). Sigh the scene where the protagonist admit the crime is too memorable for me. Remind me of another memorable scene in a certain anime