KPT wrote...
[Greed] wrote...
No, not the single player. I still play that alot.
I was talking about the multi-player the online mode.
I think unloading someone with a magazine in the back and them not dying then they turn around shoot once and it just so happens to catch you in the head thing.
that happened to me many many times, headshots are more of a lucky thing in that game then skill. hell almost everyones kills are by headshots
Because they know not to shoot at people's back or body. Sure, you'll land more shots, but all they have to do is take their sweet time aiming and pop you one in the head as you're stuck reloading. Headshots are the sweet spot for any FPS/shooting game, after one or two games it should become instinct to shoot at the head unless it's a dire situation. Otherwise, you'll be the one going down empty clip or not.
I understand what you are saying and that makes alot of sense but think about it, if your getting shot in the back and chased by a guy with the gun that is shooting you, he's 3 feet away and your almost dead you have no time to turn around get your cross hairs directly over the head and aim you just fire and hope to land that lucky shot. I also die slot when I'm not even the one being shot AT, or are anywhere NEAR the firefight thats really annoying.
if the players were more into strategy game play then the simple Run and Gun I would enjoy this game alot more, I can't even use my CQC in rooms with more then 10 people because you never have time to use it.
Maybe this FAKKU clan can use stratigies and teamwork instead of just running around looking for something to shoot.
I dunno maybe I complain too much, but uh this is simply my opinion.