Kadushy wrote...
So I don't have a 3DS. I'm debating if I should get the MH4U 3DS bundle for 229, or just get the New 3DS XL + the limited edition MH4U (199+59). Hard times. Tough choice.
It's only $30 difference. Besides, the way I see it, ultimately there will be more games for the New 3DS XL while being backwards compatible (not entirely sure on this but I believe it is) whereas the old 3DS XL won't be able to play the new games. I'm mighty upset that the Xenoblades port is strictly for the new 3DS. Though to be quite honest, owning a limited edition 3DS is a nice bonus, in and of itself.
And like someone mentioned, you will have to will have to add the cost of the charger since Nintendo believes everyone has one. I suppose that will make it $40 difference.