SO any MH fans here? I'm personaly excited for this release which I think is april 20th in US.
SO from what I seen so far this new monster on the cover is pretty damn large and the whole underwater combat is something totally new for the MH series.
I've loved the series so far but for the Wii is kinda weird...Its only been on ps2 and psp.
Another thing that looks good about this is that the new graphics are amazing and the new areas which area alot more detailed then psp.
Also there is some new wpn called the switch axe. I think it swithches from axe to greatsword and that would be kinda badass to switch wpns on the go.
I seen a cpl new monsters and I didn't catch the names yet but its gonna be good for big MH fans.
so I'm going to hook up the Wii in the living room when this game comes out
Feel free to throw any more info I missed in the topic.
Hunter ID and Names:
name: tsujoi
ID #: PXR6F4
name: yushi
name: shawn2005x (Shawn2k5)
ID#: EQF427
Name:Zanaseyr (Blackfoxninj4)
ID #: K2LHX8
Name: Mitsuki (SkyPersona)
Name: Ryuu (Dejitaru Ryuu)
Cannot play due to regional restritcions only for EU.
*sorry ryu*