psbox362 wrote...
It's not just that the game's been out for a while, it's also that the second game took the whole dead girlfriend thing and practically shoved in your face and down your throat from the get-go, not giving a fuck if you're new to the series or not. Hell, the main character starts off in an insane asylum at the begining of the second partially because of his girlfriend's death. Her death effectively ceased to be a spoiler by the time the second game released and it became much more common knowledge.
I bought the first and second game at the exact same time and I didn't know about the dead girlfriend until you told me just now. Because no-one told me or posted it on forums because of how spoilerific it is.
I'm not saying it's
not plastered all over the internet, it's just people tend to assume that people want to AVOID major plot points beforehand. I'm surprised you even bought up the second game's intro, as if someone would play the second game before the first game; or rather, someone wouldn't care about that being a spoiler, even if it is at the start. If I haven't played the first or second game, its being revealed in the intro doesn't make it any less of a major plot revelation.
I'm not trying to grate on you for it, but it
is a spoiler
and we have spoiler tags here
so I dunno. I thought it'd be common courtesy to just assume no-one else has played the games until you're told otherwise.