Kyuubi Fury wrote...
Ecchi Saiya-jin Sage wrote...
Storm 2 will probably definitely come but it's going be a while before we see because of
A) It'll be based on the events of Shippuden and Shippuden is still ongoing.
B) Shippuuden is only now starting to air here in NA. So unless they don't want to do a worldwide release with this one, tey have to wait.
yea... but they have all ready released some games with the Shippuden story line in it, so i dont see why they cant do it for storm.
Hmmmm, you seem to be right. I didn't really notice because I haven't watched Shippuuden yet, lol.
Well, I guess the reason is just simply A then. They either want Shippuden to be done so they can make the game span the whole series or they're waiting for a good point in the series to end the game off on.