EpicPfail wrote...
Can anyone give me an idea of how many hours of gameplay this game offers? I'm really wanting to get it but $60 is a pretty steep tag and I almost never buy games full price.
I haven't watched all his VG footage outside of UMvC3, but there's a streamer by the name of Jason Axelrod(Jaxelrod), from 8 on the Break, he has 18 episodes,
I HAVE NOT WATCHED ALL OF THEM, of Ni No Kuni all extremely long.
http://youtu.be/v8_wiTsfH4c?t=2h31m12s - This is his final episode but looking at this(2:31:12 Exactly), he logged 77 hours, and 23 minutes time.
I'm sure it's either quite long, or quite addicting if he has that much time logged. Either way, I'm buying this as soon as I can.