And just for the heck of it, I'll throw in the Persona 2 extra disc animation.
Sweet games, love em. FYI, Persona 3 has nothing to do with the first 2 games. There's only a few names dropped in P3 that relate to the first two, which come in the form of someone you meet on an mmorpg.
Turn based rpg, dungeon crawler, dating sim elements.
Game comes with a artbook, a box to keep the game and artbook in, and a soundtrack.
Now we need to pry to every god we know in hopes that they will release FES edtion state side. I really wanna play Episode Aigis and get her S.Link
Trailer for FES
Get a persona with the -atk and -def skills. Akihiko has one of them already...I think.
Level more.
Thank for the information.
Dis-posion so expensive. I think I will make one persona with dis-posion skill. Do you think that this game has a time limit like you need to finish exploring the whole tower by the date line given.
I miss out the reward stuff that if you get good grade in examination I will get the reward from your seipa.
I think this game has no absolute deadline for exploring tower, but you DO must have enough level to survive the fullmoon boss, and it's quite a hard feat to do without ecploring Tartarus. Also, reaching certain floors in an amount of time will give you Old Documents, which are the requirements for Elizabeth's quests...
For getting nice grades in the exam, it's true that Mitsuru will give you card sets (use in item menu to increase persona status), but the most important thing in acing the exam is that you'll attract her more :lol: