Assassinations by the Mafia occur repeatedly in the underworld. Rumors of a mysterious organization called 'Inferno' and its most powerful assassin named 'Phantom' begin to surface. A young man embarked on a trip alone to the U.S. and runs into 'Phantom' by accident. 'Phantom' turned out to be a young girl about the same age as him. Erasing the young man's memories of his past, the 'Phantom' trains him to become one of the top assassins in the organization. In a violent and lawless world, his journey begins...
Playing the role of a student from Japan who sees something he's not supposed to see, you're thrown into a world of guns, cars and organized crime. As you progress through the multi-path game story, populated by beautiful women, violent thugs and an action-packed story with many different outcomes for great replay value.
This is a remake of Phantom of the Inferno(download here) but with new features like:
1. includes all additional scenarioes from DVD and PS2 ver. 2. introduced the newest "Nitro System" for faster gameplay (sorry, but I can't find any info on this "Nitro System") 3. includes all additional event and still CGs from DVD and PS2 ver. 4. includes all theme songs, BGMs and sound effects from DVD and PS2 ver. 5. renewal of the CGs from the old PC ver. (though some of it are reused without changes)
I don't know why but my favorite ending on the original was the sappy Ein/Ellen ending. Does anyone know if there is a patch or a translated version of this one in the making?
Not to long ago, I believe I found a link on Fakku that directed me to a rs link which provided for a SAVE dat file for Phantom Integration.
This Save file unlocked a special menu on the main screen that held all the h-scenes in the game.
Unfortunately, my external HD died last week, and I'm trying to recover all my favorites.
I'd appreciate it if anyone would give me a hand in finding the SAVE file I'm seeking.
I believe the SAVE file had the effect of adding an extra option on the main start menu between "SYSTEM" and "EXIT" - looking something similar to this:
<SPECIAL> <---- Unlocked Menu Option
Thanks for the upload Klown. :D
Also, I was wondering if there would ever be a translation for this? It sounds like a really good game, but, it's always nice to be able to understand a good game. :D