If you have both consoles, for multi-platform games (games that are available on both consoles, MW2 etc.), would you rather buy for the 360 or the PS3? State your reasons too please.
I only have the 360 and Wii, but I do play on the PS3 a whole lot. The funny thing is, I vastly prefer the PS3 for online, the selection of games nowadays, and the features/interface...but the 360 controller is so much more comfortable to use. :p
I would probably majoritarily buy for the PS3, but the exclusives and certain cross-platform titles that I would play a lot (such as FIFA) would be on the 360.
I am a PS3 strictly guy, with only one or two exceptions. One being, I have Bayonetta on the 360 for the sole reason that the play quality is superior, no matter how small it may be. But other than that, and maybe another one I've forgotten, I'd much rather have a game on PS3 than 360. Why? Simply because I find the controller to be far better, and just so much more comfortable. Plus, I'm just not used to the XBOX' design on the controller. Honestly, I hate it. But, to each their own.
I really like both but Xbox 360 is my preference. Xbox Live is very much worth it, imo. The controller is my favorite, can't wait for the new model this fall.
My friends are on Xbox Live and party chat is the easiest way to communicate (with voice, not required to send text messages back and forth thank god) no matter what game you're all playing. We like to play different games so party chat is a savior. A couple of us can play coop on Castlevania HoD while the others can play whatever shooter they're into that week and we can all chat and have a great time.
I would say it's pretty close the only thing that gives the xbox an edge (in my opinion) is the controller. I just find it a lot more comfortable to use than the ps3's anoying anolog sticks...
Don't forget this isn't a which console is better or who has the better exlusive games console thread. It's just asking on multi-platform games which would you rather play on.
Anyway, I'd go with PSN, even though I'm an xbox player. Why? Because it's free. Simple as that.
When talking about that! I rather go with the PS3 Versions since I think they look cleaner and better! I only have my xbox for the Gears and Halo Franchises!
I would choose 360 because even though you have to pay for live it's worth it. The community also seems to be better since more people have mikes. If u don't want to pay for live just go with the ps3.
I choose for the PS3, though I'm kind of forced to considering I have no working controllers for my 360. I haven't even turned the thing on (or found a good reason to-even if I did have a controller) in about 10 months :/
I have all the major consoles, but as for what I play the most...
Currently my PS3 is hooked up to my TV and my 3 PS2's (Australian, American and Japanese) are hooked up to my computer. My Xbox 360 is currently on a shelf gathering dust, and hasnt been turned on since I played tales of vesperia, and I dont know how many months that is.
So yes, heavy PS3 user, somewhat heavy PS2 user, very light xbox user :P
Oh and the Wii is in the living room because the whole family uses that.
I would choose PS3, especially if it's a multi-platform game. While there are more people who talk on the Xbox, I would rather play online for free than having to pay for it.
I'm getting a PS3 a bit later this month but when it comes to Xbox 360 or PC versions it all depends on what kind of game it is. Any type of game that is a first or third person shooter I always get the PC version because of how accurate a mouse is compared to an analog stick. Also many such games get mods on the PC (Oblivion, Fallout 3/New Vegas, Modern Warfare and so on), which isn't possible on the 360 or PS3. That and I grew up playing PC and SNES games so unlike some (most) of the newer gamers the analog sticks of the new systems aren't as comfortable or intuitive for me.
However games like Fable, Jade Empire and Devil May Cry as well as every JRPG I've played are almost always better on the consoles because the controls are meant to be comfortable on the 360/PS3 controllers not various PC gamepads.
For multiplayer games there's also the whole paying for Xbox Live vs. playing it for free on the PC which for some games is a huge influence for buying the PC version.
Hmm, from what I see, more people favor the PS3 cos online is free. I've had my PS3 for almost a year now, and I just only got a 360 yesterday, specifically for Halo Reach, and am planning to subscribe to Xbox Live for it.
The thing is, since i'm gonna be paying for Xbox Live, I should start to buy multiplayer games for the 360 right? I'm still undecided on this.
And just FYI, I don't like using a mike when I game online.
Ive got both consoles. Been playing my xbox up till recently. The only reason I dont play anymore is due to the constant freezing of my console and the fact that I dont want to continue. Continuing will now cost an extra 10 bucks due to price increases. PS3 is looking mighty fine right now. 0 dollars a month. Sexy games coming out. Does everything. And xbox is pissing me off. They are pure money hoarders. Give you broken shit and make you pay for more. No thanks. Xbox has cost me more than the PS3 ever will.
My ps3 offers more game time unlike my Xbox which frequently dies on me. Also I've become accustomed to the controller since it's the same thing since the dual shock controller of the PSX.