Kaimax wrote...
Yeah, they added an "S"...so...wrong thread title.. :P
I added the word new before Silent Hill meaning it's a new addition to the Silent Hill series, not the title of the installment itself. If any Silent Hill game before this one were named Silent Hills or there was no new before the word then you would be correct, but seeing as the title states that this is a continuation of the Silent Hill series my wording is not incorrect.
Kaimax wrote...
Yeah, what I read mostly in forums that the "S" means it's going to have multiple worlds, and based on how different every LP'ers vids some even say that each gameplay will be different depending on the players action.
It sounds like they're also taking reference from trailer gameplay and the trailer stated that it's gameplay is not representative of gameplay in Silent Hills. So I think not but the trailer also help set the mood for the new Silent Hill so meh, keeping an eye on it.