I am training my own zombie, not sure what I am doing though ><;
*is now dead but it doesn't matter because Zombies can just get up whenever they want*
been reading the posts :( I am jealous of the humans! it looks like your all having a ton of fun. I spend all my time dead, (because I am a zombie :p) I am gonna head over to you guys for an injection when I get 50 EP again.
I am reckahza in the game if you see me, I'll be knocking on the hospital doors untill someone comes to greet me :O
I am running away XD I am gonna level up my zombie by chewing doors on empty houses :x right now I am a sitting duck since most humans have axe's and sledge hammers and shotguns and all I have is "Mrawr *swipes girlish zombie hands at you*"
Zombies really need stronger stats to make up for not having a hope in hell of winning against equipment... we kinda waste all the EP chewing on doors and then BAM 5 humans inside and no way to deal with any of them xD Our best skill is eating dead bodies and it takes way too long walking around to find dead humans << Dead zombies are EVERYWHERE though XD because none of us can open a door it seems.