spfleet wrote...
the game crashed when i was near the end while doing the oppai ending. At the part where u get to do "that" to her boobs, the bgm stopped working but the game still plays on; but after awhile, the game froze. So i closed it and try to reopen it...but found out my computer was kinda freezing too. So, i restarted my comp then open the game again, but it doesn't load. For some reason, the game just doesn't load to the start screen no matter how many times i click on it now, even though i already completed the game before just fine (except for the oppai end)... Any1 else got any problem playing the oppai ending and causes their computer to crash?
Data corruption~
Your PC isn't stable, run some test to see if your RAM or Hard drive is failing. (memtest for the RAM, for the HDD it depends on the maker of it, WD is Datalifeguard, seagate is Seatools.. Google should help you with that)
You will most likely have to reinstall the game if it is indeed data corruption, especially if you forcefully restarted the computer while the game was still on. Hard drives aren't these magical things that always work, clusters die, bringing with them the data that was on it.
Oh, and run an anti virus scan just to be sure, like Avast free if you don't have one/have an expired one for lord knows why(Not with the Microsoft one, it barely catch anything these days... oh how the mighty has fallen...)