Noel wrote...
Now with all the +6 weapons... One lucky shot and you're dead. Or if you have high defense, you could take a headshot full charge with a sniper and still live. It's kind of meh.... Of course, in TD, it's less about killing and more about teamwork and your skills at jumping and whatnot...
Still, if you're good, you'll do good regardless of your equipment. You might not score 100, but maybe only 92. You might not kill 50, but maybe only 46. Etc. And if you suck.... No amount of gawdlike equips will help you.
It really sucks for players like me who fell out of the daily grind at one point, roughly around the time of the change from perms to timed personally. All the jumping skills I had learned during OB time just crippled and it's near impossible for me to rev back up again. :I It's also a bit disheartening when I try to go for a jump route on Station 2 and get swatted by four +6 smgs/semi-rifles. >.>