stonechitlin wrote...
ok. to get it to work, download the megaupload file in the first post. Mount extract and mount Secret_Wives_Club.BWI with deamon tools(or something similar) run HIMECUS from the CD (smaller of the 2 files) now after install, go to the folder containing the program and rename HIMECUS to HIMECUS.bak or something. Take the HIMECUS.exe that was with the game cd when you extracted it, and place that into the install directory.
ok so it was working till i turned my laptop off and now it keeps telling me to insert the game disc so i did an it tells me its the wrong disc. why do these things hate me. is there anyway to just burn this to a disc and run it of said disc...i tried doing that but its not working....its a great visual novel..... this could only happen to me. um other note... when i mount it useing daemon tool it mounts it to an E drive whem my disc drive is a D drive... it works but there has to be an earier way the haveing to remount it every time just to get it to work.......and apparently my data is gone...... im useless
several hours later.....FINALY i got it working. thanks again dude. sooooo happy
visual novels are addicting