artcellrox wrote...
OK, I need someone to answer two things for me that might make or break my decision to buy this:
1. Does this need a proper graphics card in order to be run? I only have an Intel Media Accelerator.
2. I saw a gameplay video (specifically this one: Now, I see a lot of economical stuff going in there, or something like that. So, my question is, what sort of strategy game would this be considered similar to? If someone says Civilizations, I gone. :/
The game is nothing like Civilization and I can't really think of another one that it is similar to except for Kichikuou Rance since it is an exact copy. The only economic parts of the game is to use money to buy more troops, heal troops, and thats about it. The only thing to look out for if you play it is that its game over if you have 0 gold.
Why are you not using the alicesoft wikia for sengoku rance?
Items will help a lot if you don't have any. If you have any good tactitions (not Mitsuhide) then take them into battle with you and debuff them. If you have a diviner take them and take a very fast warrior to take care of the boomstick. You will also want to put a lot of money into your foot soldier and give it a item that reduces dmg.