sanjuro wrote...
@Foolboy: to you fool boy not all events are purple. you can advance to to normal and trust and so on with unmarked events. there each chracter specific and use of them will either get one smiley or advance them if its full. why were you trying to get kenshin to trust anyway with the demon army eating your ass?
now my question is, how do i recruit ran? i captured her but i cant recruit her. my guess is that i may have to finish off houjou first. am i right?
edit: oops, aparently i just had to wait another turn for souun to go trap him self in an ogre infested pit. now ive got an issue finding the aformentioned pit. i know its in mamushi oilfield which i own but no dungeon and no event to find it.
edit2: odd. ive done some reading that says i can unlock the dungeon by doing an event in former houjou territory. but ive done it. ran was asking about where souun is and is told about the dungeon in the iol field. but there is no dungeon. so again, do i have to kill all of houjou? hope not as that would be the fifth seal.
Thank you for your reply. I tried to click on Kenshin with 7 affection point @ normal. I can upgrade her ability and status, but the relationship cannot be improved. It just stuck at normal with 0 affection point after I talked with her.
"Hojo Soun - To get him, you must first capture Nanjo Ran. An event will occur where he goes missing. Then after recruiting Nanjo Ran, go to the bottom of the Oil Caves dungeon in Mamushi Oil Field. For second-play, this must be done after the 5th seal is broken, otherwise you're entering Ran's IF route. Not obtainable in the Nanjo ran route."
I also would like to know what is the difference between the Real History@first playthrough and Real History@second playthrough.
My expansion is too slow for the first playthrough. I did not take any Mouri and takeda territories. For Kenshin's territory I got it at the last possible turn.
How many countries did you guys conquer at the first playthrough when demon army showed up?