LuPonce wrote...
9 retail games
about 100$ of DLC
a 50$ wireless mic
a xbox live vision camera
a charging station
and a steering wheel
if i choose not to get rid of my 360 all of this will be useless because i have no warranty on my xbox and no gold membership to use it
This is a more enough reason why you should keep it, since you already invested nearly $500 into it. You can actually hold out on 'gold membership' I had the 360 a couple years back, got a free month and I never reopened a membership since that day.
The xbox membership is a courrpet anyway, you have to have a active online contection to play offline xbox aracde games...BULLSHIT.
However if your 360 is on its last legs(going to die soon) just sell that but keep your games and gaming accessories. And I assume you can still redownload your already purhase DLC when you do have access to some money when you get a new 360 later.
The Online on PSN is decent and it works, but its free, thus getting full worth of your retail purchase.
Xbox live is good, but you have to pay, its like renting your retail games that you already paid for in Retail. That is just wrong.